Tuesday 20 November 2012

Habbatus Sauda and Prevention Towards Cancer

Habbatus Sauda is a plant that grow in the area of Mediterranean and desert climate. The usage of Habbatus Sauda as a tretment is not well known because the research is mostly in Arabic version and some in German languange. 

Nigella sativa L. is from Ranunculaceae family seeds, it is commonly known as blackseed or black cumin, have been employed for thousands of years as a spice and food preservative, as well as a protective and curative remedy for numerous disorders

There is research done that showing Habbatus Sauda can treat a lot of diseases and also some study showing positive results towards Cancer. Based on Brazillian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2007) 40:839-847 showing that the extract of Habbatus Sauda or Nigella Sativa have a significant effect based on cytotoxic activity of the extract towards tumor cell. The injection of the extract to the tumor cell inhibit the growth of the tumor cell and after 30 days of administration of the extract inhibit the incidence of liver metastasis development and improved the mouse survival. 

Other journals; Worthen DR, Ghosheh OA, Crooks PA. The  in vitro anti-tumor activity of some crude and purified components of blackseed, Nigella sativa L. Anticancer Res 1998; 18: 1527-1532. and Salomi MJ, Nair SC, Panikkar KR. Inhibitory effects of Nigella sativa and saffron (Crocus sativus) on chemical carcinogenesis in mice. Nutr Cancer 1991; 16: 67-72. Reported that the Nagella Sativa contain crude gum that contain fixed oil and 2 purified components of the seed which are thymoquinone and dithymoquinone have cytotoxic activity to some parental and multidrug resistant human tumor cell limes. The thymoquinone in the seed able to triggers apoptosis cell death in human colorectal cancell cells where it has been found to increase in mRNA expression of the p53 target gene, p21WAF1 and a significant inhibition of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein. p53 is the important key in apoptosis which involve in the process of programming cell death. It is where the cell that already broken being destroyed to avoid formation of the inregular cell growth. This show how the seed extract play a role in the preventing the cancer cell by initiating the apoptosis program in cell. 

The study also reported that some crude and purified components of Nigella Sativa contain crude methanol extract that can exhibit a strong cyctotoxic action on Erlich ascites carcinoma, Dalton's ascites lymphoma and Sarcoma 180 cells with minimal cyctotoxicity to normal lymphocytes. Based on the in vivo study, the growth of Erlich ascites carcinoma in mices was inhibited. Furthermore, the study also showing that the seed also contain a new triterpine saponin  (α-hederin) have a significant dose-dependent towards tumor inhibition. 

Nigella Sativa oil also found to have a significant effect as compared to chemotheraphy by suppressing about 50% of tumor growth without causing negative side effects. This herb also able to increase bone marrow growth by 250%. The study done on Cancer Research laboratory at Hilton Head in South Carolina. According to Dr. Hwyda Arafat, M.D., Ph. D. associate professor of Surgery at the Jefferson Medical Center of Thomas Jefferson University and member of the Jefferson Pancreatic, Biliary & Related Cancer Center studies confirmed Nigella sativa seeds have anti-cancer effect on prostate and colon cancers.3

The study also showing that pancreatic cancer patients that being given the seed extract able to survive several years after diagnosis. it is found that the extracted oil contain thymoquinone that has anti-inflammatory properties that can inhibit development of pancreatic cancer cells. During the process of cell death (apoptosis) thymoquinone blocked the pancratic cell growth and killed the cells. Based on on animal studies, this compound also have antioxidant effect against heart, liver and kidney damage. 
Last but not least, there is hadith narrated stated that;
e story by Aisyah R.A, she hear Rasulullah S.A.W said:
 “Truthfully Al-Habbatus Sauda’ can cure all diseases except Al-Sam”. I asked. “What is Al-Sam? he answer, “Al-Sam is death”
History by Imam Bukhari.
From Buraidah, Rasulullah S.A.W said:
 “At Habbatus Sauda’ a remedy for all diseases except death”.
 History by Abu Nu’aim in Book of Al-Tibb in assembly hadith sahih no. 1819.
From Abu Hurairah, he heard Rasulullah saw said:
 “At Habbatus Sauda’ there is a cure for all diseases except Al-Sam namely death”.
 History by  Bukhari (10:118-119) ; Muslim (7:25) ; Ibnu Majah (2:342) ; Tarmizi (2:3 at Month Edition) ; and Ahmad (2:241) through history Sufyan bin ‘Uyainah from Al-Zuhri and Abu Salamah.

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