Tuesday 13 November 2012

Habbatus Sauda or Nigella Sativa - Preventing Disease

Credited to HealthyMuslim.com

This is from an article that has been attributed to a Hans Wagner and was published on the web, appearing to be a translation from a German source. It summarizes many of the findings from scientific research papers and studies that we have already looked at. As it already contains most of the information we've decided to reproduce it here with corrections to some typos and just one or two minor edits.

It should be mentioned that the black seed oil has a rich composition of proteins, mineralscarbohydrates and fats. Almost all of its fat content is in the form of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids - which are very important for good overall health and a sound immune system. It also has around 15 amino acids, the building blocks of protein, 9 of which are the essential amino acids.
On to the article:
Recently scientists around the world have confirmed the anti-bacterial and anti-mycotic effects of black seed oilHealth practitioners in various countries around the world are using the oil againstinflammation of all sorts as well as fungi infections. Even a remarkable reduction of blood sugarlevels has been found by scientists. Black seed extracts have been found help to stimulate bone marrow and immune cells, so writes the scientists of the cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory and adding that it raises the interferon production, protects normal cells against cell destroying effects of viruses, destroys tumor cells and raises the number of anti-bodies producing B cells.All these functions make the black seed oil the ideal candidate for the prevention and treatment ofcancer. Scientists are now busy finding the effects of the black seed oil in regard to various other human health conditions. Dr.Med.Peter Schleicher, an immunologist, in Munich who in 1986 happened to be nominated the youngest member of the World Academy of Scientists, examinedblack seed oil in his institute to find new therapies for chronic illness and its effect. His findings are identical to those in previous studies by earlier researchers.

Schleicher says, by using black seed oil, valuable unsaturated fatty acids, for example Linoleic and Gamma-linolenic acids, get into the organism. By that it is possible to reach a synthesis of important immune regulating substances derived from Prostaglandin E1. Linoleic acid stabilizes the cell membranes and Prostaglandin has the effect of inhibiting inflammation. By that the immune reactions are stopped which cause the illnesses and which otherwise could be the start of many many chronic illnesses like acne and hay-fever right up to cancer. In addition, the excessive T-cell function of the person suffering from allergies are stabilized through the substance in black seed oiland the abnormally rising immune reactions through suppressed anti-bodies. The excessive immune system is normalized and the large cell degranulation decreased.
Studies also testify that an immune system which has gone wrong can again be regulated by the strong effect of the oil. Schleicher, meanwhile, has tested the effect of the oil on 600 patients. As a result he confirms the cure for allergies at about 70% of the patients. Amongst them are allergiesagainst pollen and dust, acne and neuro-dermatological illnesses, asthma patients, etc.. who generally have a weak resistance and are prone to suffer from infections. For that reason Dr.Schleicher in Munich is going to include the oil with his preventative treatment against colds andinfluenza.
In the Middle East and South Asia, this oil has been used for thousands of years as a remedy for all sorts of allergiesinflammation and menstruation problems, boosting moral, depression; but especially against bronchitis, asthma and neuro-dermatitis as well as poor digestion and even impotency. The Prophet Mohammad [sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam] stated in his "Hadith" that black seed oil cures every illness except death. No wonder then that a little bottle of the oil was even found in the tomb of the legendary Pharaoh Tutankhamen!

In the West the effect of the oil has been used for a long time against wind, dysentery, stomach and lung disease, jaundice, diuretic problems and to increase nursing mother's milk. Due to the triumphant advances in chemistry the oil has been forgotten until recently. According to Dr. Schleicher the reason why this oil is so exceptional is that its component parts act in unison to produce an optimum effect for so many complaints. But one has to make sure that only the pure and tested oil is being used.
Schleicher's colleagues have reacted very positively after the publication about his success with patients who have used the oil. Professor G. Rietmuller, Director of Institute for immunology at the University of Munich believes that this plant extract works positively on the immune system and could be used as a bio-regulator. Professor Michael Meurer of the Dermatology Clinic in Munich has for a long time been convinced about the success of this oil. From his experience the oil help stopinflammation and helps with neurodermitis.

At the International cancer Congress in New Delhi last Autumn the anti-tumor effect of black cuminoil has been introduced to many scientists and doctors.

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